Yellow Van Travels

Review: Líllébaby Complete Six-position Carrier

When we first had our daughter, we knew we wanted to have some kind of baby carrier that would allow us to take her on adventures with us, especially when strollers were not going to be an option. We were looking for something with good back support (I had really bad back pain throughout my pregnancy and for about 6 months after), something that could be stored easily and something that would be useful from infant up through the toddler stages.

After lots of research, I found that Líllébaby carriers were what I was looking for! I decided on the Complete Six-position carrier because it seemed to fit our needs the best.

The Líllébaby carrier is great because there are six positions you can safely carry your baby in! We usually use it for inward facing and outward facing. We have tried doing the back carry, but Lucy wasn’t the biggest fan at the time we attempted it. But we will try that again soon!

Some of the great features of this carrier is that is is all fabric. It is soft and comfy and we can fold it down to fit in a simple cinch sack that we already had. We love using it through the airports! It makes it so I can have 2 free hands to load up my luggage and stroller and other items onto the conveyer belt at TSA and they allow you to wear your baby through security which is so nice!

We also really like it when Lucy is sleeping on the plane. Once we get her to fall asleep, I simply put her in the carrier and then she can sleep without me holding her.

When your baby is little there is not need to buy an infant insert! You just have to reconfigure the bottom of the carrier (which is a fairly simple process of snapping and unsnapping parts of it) to fit your little one.

When the baby is facing in towards you, one of my favorite features is that there is a hood that snaps onto the shoulder straps that helps keep the wind, sun and other elements off of your baby’s delicate skin.

We absolutely LOVE our Líllébaby carrier and look forward to using it for many more travels in the years to come!


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