Contrary to popular belief there is actually quite a bit to do in Idaho. We have been to Idaho a few times and last summer we got to go to Bruneau Dunes State Park for our first time sandboarding and…

Contrary to popular belief there is actually quite a bit to do in Idaho. We have been to Idaho a few times and last summer we got to go to Bruneau Dunes State Park for our first time sandboarding and…
Lava Hot Springs is a town that is obviously best known for its Hot Springs. Last week I wrote about a different activity there, floating the river, but this week I am going to back to the roots of the…
When you drive through the town of Lava Hot Springs in Idaho you will undoubtably pass by many people renting out river tubes. You might wonder what is going on because you didn’t think you needed rive tubes to enjoy…
Lava Hot Springs is a fun, family friendly destination in southeastern Idaho. There are quite a few activities that are fun to do while town (we will talk about those later this month) but today I’m going to focus on…