Yellow Van Travels

What We Ate: Nashville Edition

When I think of our trip to Nashville there are a lot of fun things that come to mind. Like going to a show at the Grand Ole Opry, touring Hatch Show Print, and visiting the Parthenon. But the first thing that I actually think of is the food that we ate there. Southern food is among the best comfort foods in the world and Nashville has plenty of it.

Title card showing Biscuit love and the Grilled Cheeserie with the text What We Ate: Nashville

Biscuit Love

I’m going to start with my favorite. Biscuit Love is famous for a reason. Although that reason appears to be Bonuts (biscuit donuts), I think it ought to be the East Nasty. I’m not sure you can make a bad choice ordering at Biscuit Love, but you can make a best choice and that is the East Nasty which is fried chicken on a biscuit covered in gravy. I am getting so hungry just writing this post.

The Bonuts at Biscuit Love

The key to going to Biscuit Love is to get there before the crowds, because this place is popular. Fortunately, while we were there it appeared the Nashville crowd does not get up too early, so if you get there before 8 am you should be fine.

the East Nasty at Biscuit Love

Biscuit Love was one of Lucy’s favorite places in the world. She just couldn’t get enough of their biscuits.

Baby at Biscuit Love

Hattie B’s

Sticking with the chicken theme let’s talk about Hattie B’s. Supposedly famous for their chicken and waffles, it turns out they only serve them on Sunday’s so we did not actually get to test that. I can say that their chicken sandwich is quite good. Because I happened to be there late at night I went mild on the spiciness, but I am sure their more spicy chicken is even better.

The menu here is a little confusing, I guess people in Nashville like to order their chicken by the bird, but if you go with the sandwich or the fingers you will be fine. I think Meagan’s dad is still dreaming about Hattie B’s, he liked it that much.

Grilled Cheeserie

So here’s the deal, I have a hard time paying for food that can easily, quickly, and cheaply be made at home. Grilled Cheese, as you might guess, falls into that category. But Meagan absolutely loves grilled cheese and especially gourmet grilled cheese. So when a BBQ place with a reasonable wait time could not be found, and since I was not paying for it anyway, I consented to go to the Grilled Cheeserie.

The girls at the Grilled Cheeserie selfie booth

And honestly? It was pretty good. If you are into grilled cheese this is probably a place you should check out.

Pancake Pantry

Speaking of being into a very specific type of food, the Pancake Pantry is home to more than 22 different kinds of pancakes. Basically if you can dream it there is probably a Pancake Pantry pancake for you. I got pigs in a blanket, because I like to eat meat with pancakes, but everyone else got some form of sweet, indulgent pancake.

Pancake Pantry in Nashville

This one gets two big thumbs up from Meagan’s younger sister. She even got a t-shirt.


To round out our tour of Nashville food we had to hit up another of Meagan’s sister’s favorites, an ice cream place called Jenni’s. Now I’m not a big ice cream guy to begin with so I don’t fully appreciate this place as much as the girls do, but I do know that it is fancy, because they give you little metal spoons to sample the flavors.

And there are a lot of flavors. You really need to spend a good five minutes sampling here before you make your decision. Also be aware that they give you a lot of ice cream, so sharing would probably be a good option, especially if you want to try several flavors.

Sum Up

Food in Nashville is awesome. I am sure that we have barely scratched the surface of what is here. You will notice that I never did get my Nashville BBQ (except for a place in the airport, but that doesn’t really count), so I am going to have to come back and eat some more.

Baby at the Pancake Pantry

If you have been to Nashville let us know your favorite place to eat in the comments below.

the Princess at Biscuit Love