Yellow Van Travels

3 Tips for Camping With a Baby

Lucy’s first camping trip was when she was 4 months old. Yes we were a little crazy. But we went with friends who had a 3 month old, so maybe we aren’t too crazy? Anyway, Lucy has been camping a few times in her short life and we have figured out some tips and tricks to keep your baby (and you!) safe and happy (and sane!) while camping.

1. Expect It To Be Colder Than You Think

Our first camping trip we expected it to be cool. Like 45-50 degrees cool. Turns out it ended up being 35-40 degrees at night. Luckily we were prepared and Lucy didn’t freeze. Make sure you bring lots of extra blankets and extra PJs and other clothing to layer your baby up in. Yes, it makes diaper changes a pain but I’d rather deal with a few more steps to change a diaper than to have my baby be up all night from being cold. We would layer Lucy in a onesie, 2 pairs of PJs, a one piece long sleeved sweat suit, and if it was still cold a coat/jacket on top. She also wore her winter hat when she was little and needed to keep that noggin warm! We also have this little portable heater that runs on propane that we used in our tent to keep it warmer for Lucy.

2. Contain the Baby!

A campsite is not the safest place for a baby. So make sure you think of ways to safely keep your baby out of the way. We always take our Pack N Play and let Lucy sit in there with toys while we are working in the tent. If we are working on stuff outside the tent, we have a cute little camping chair for Lucy for her to sit in and be happy. If one of us is available, we also let her just crawl around the tent and if you’re brave you can bring a huge quilt or extra tarp to lay down in your campsite for the baby to move around on.

3. Prepare for a Rough First Night

Lucy has always been an amazing sleeper (except for her 4 month sleep regression, but we have tried to block that out). But she never, ever, ever sleeps through the first night of camping. Even though she’s sleeping in her same Pack N Play that she sleeps in at home, she just never seems to sleep well. So just be prepared for the worst and then you’ll be extra happy if your baby does sleep great!

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