Those of you who spend a lot of time in the outdoors know that wearing a traditional wedding ring can be a challenge. Traditional rings can be expensive and you worry about losing them. And, if like me, you engage…
Red Spring Boulders in Red Rock Canyon
Last week I wrote about the amazing Kraft BouldersĀ in Red Rock Canyon. Now I am going to tell you about another set of boulders very near by, but completely different. The Red Spring Boulders are not as well known as…
Kraft Boulders in Red Rock Canyon
Over a recent 3 day weekend we visited Red Rock Canyon just outside of Las Vegas. One of our main reasons for going there was to climb the Kraft Boulders which we had heard were amazing. We went with a…
Pioneer Park and Red Hills Garden in St. George
Red rocks are one of my favorite sceneries in the world. They stand over the desert in an incredibly awesome display of the majesty of nature. And while I love to look at the red rocks, there is one thing…
Garden of Eden in Arches National Park
Arches National Park is home to an alien landscape, you will hear that several times if you watch the intro video. One of the locations that exemplifies this with almost no exertion on your part is the Garden of Eden.…
Rock Climbing in Rock Canyon
I really like climbing on rocks, but I have had very little opportunity to do any actual rock climbing. The barrier to entry for rock climbing is a little high because of the equipment needed and the necessity of having…