Yellow Van Travels

6 Tips for Flying During Covid-19

While flying during the Covid-19 pandemic has been discouraged, sometimes there are situations where you just have to fly. While we are not encouraging everyone to fly, if you do need to for some reason, here are some tips we have learned from the to trips we’ve flown on during Covid-19.

1. Pack Your Own Sanitizing Stuff

Both of the trips we went on during Covid-19, we flew with Delta, so we can only speak to how they have handled sanitation during Covid-19. The flights we were on seemed to be very clean and very well sanitized and taken care of. But, we still brought our own hand sanitizer (TSA lets you have it not count towards your liquids!) and our own sanitizing wipes. We wiped down all of our seats, seat belts, armrests, seat pockets and tray tables before we sat down just to be extra cautious. On our Delta flights, they also provided small packets of hand sanitizer and wipes if you needed or wanted them.

2. Bring Your Own Water Bottle

This is usually a tip we suggest whenever you’re flying, but you will definitely want to bring your own water bottle since a lot of flights have either suspended their drink service during flights or they are severely limiting it. So bring your own water bottle on board. Most airports. have filling stations that are still open during the pandemic. If you don’t feel comfortable filing your own personal water bottle or you want something besides water on your flight, make sure to purchase a drink after you go through security.

3. Bring Your Own Snacks

Especially if you are on a longer flight, bringing your own snacks is super helpful. Again, some airlines are completely doing away with their snack and beverage services while other airlines are just limiting it. On Delta, when we flew, they just handed each passenger a bag that had 2 snacks, a small water bottle and some hand sanitizer. But they did not offer their larger for purchase snacks and meals.

4. Bring a Back-up Mask

Bring a back-up mask or two for the flight itself. If you happen to drop your mask or it gets muggy from wearing it for so long, having a back-up mask is super helpful to switch out with your dirty one.

5. Make Hand Sanitizer Easily Accessible

We had small bottles of hand sanitizer on each of our backpacks so it was easy to always get some hand sanitizer whenever we felt we needed it. Also make sure you are applying it often during your flight and as you go through the airport, especially if you can’t wash your hands often.

6. Try to Relax

I felt that the airports we went to and the airplanes we flew on all did a really good job at enforcing masks and social distancing as well as doing a good job at keeping things clean. Because flights are limited and they are not flying at full capacity, it makes the waiting areas in airports less busy and so it was pretty easy to keep to ourselves and not have to interact with very many people throughout our travels.


Have you had to fly during Covid-19? What was your experience? Do you have any tips? Share in the comments below!